Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Torrance City Council Candidate Aurelio Mattucci attends Torrance WalMart's Grand Opening

Torrance City Council Candidate Aurelio Mattucci attends Torrance WalMart Grand Opening September 12th 2014. There was an amazing pre-opening presentation by Store Manager Tony Amirikhas and Vice President Southern California Region 57, Jerry Spencer. Also on the podium Mayor Frank Scotto gave his customary "Welcome Speech". As many have already heard, WalMart is often under fire for taking over n...

eighborhoods and destroying small business. I would have to disagree with that considering they are no different than Kmart or Target. One must ask "Is this a Union Thing?" A big box retailer will always chip away at the Old School local small business, but it doesn't have to be that way. WalMart offers seminars to help teach local small business owners how to feed off of WalMart instead of trying to fight it. I personally asked Store manager Tony Amirikhas about this program and he said it is a very successful program that truly helps neighboring retailers succeed.

Today was a great experience for me and I am glad WalMart chose Torrance as a friendly city to do business in. Torrance needs the revenue and jobs to help sustain the lifestyle we are used to in this wonderful city.
Aurelio Mattucci
Aurelio Mattucci
Prospective Candidate for Torrance City Council

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