Monday, June 2, 2014

Election Day is June 3rd

Election day is less than 24 hours away! Are you prepared to make the best choices for the city of Torrance and the state of California?

In addition to the Torrance City Council and Mayoral races, these important local elections and state primaries are happening tomorrow, June 3rd.

Lieutenant Governor Secretary of State
Attorney General
Insurance Commissioner Board of Equalization
United States Representative State Senator
State Assembly Member

County Board of Supervisors Sheriff
Superior Court Judge

The following Statewide measures will also appear on the June 3rd ballot.

Measure 41 - Veterans Housing and Homeless Prevention Bond Act of 2014.
Authorizes $600 million in general obligation bonds for affordable multifamily supportive housing to relieve homelessness, affordable transitional housing, affordable rental housing, or related facilities for veterans and their families. Fiscal impact: Increased state bond costs averaging about $50 million annually over 15 years.

Measure 42 - Public Records. Open Meetings. State reimbursement to local agencies. Legislative Constitutional Amendment. 
Requires local government compliance with laws providing for public access to local government body meetings and records of government officials. Eliminates reimbursement for costs of compliance. Fiscal Impact: Reductions in state payments to local governments in the tens of millions of dollars annually. Potential future costs on local governments in the tens of millions of dollars annually.

Torrance voters especially will want to get informed about their local races and learn more about Torrance City Council candidate Aurelio Mattucci.

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