Friday, December 28, 2012

City of Torrance Election 2014

I am always amazed as to how every election ends up being a "Politics as Usual" show. I am really excited about running for Torrance City Council and pressure or "Politics as Usual" , motivates me even more.  I am a firm believer that our goverment can be for the people and not our politicians.  I do believe we can elect individuals that are truly concerned about the future of our cities, counties, states and our nation.  The best way to decide what is best for the future is to take a good look at our past.  Increasing taxes and over regulating businesses has shown to slow down growth and therefore increase unemployment.  I'm not saying taxes and over regulations are the only cause of a downturn economy but they are a big contributor.  I wish to see a conservative aproach to our budget.  We can't keep on spending every little penney collected and more.  My father always tells me that it's not what you make but what you spend that counts.  I believe both the left and the right can come together and balance our budget.  I still beleive in our country and the American Dream.
Aurelio Mattucci

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