Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Aurelio Mattucci. This is who I am.

Aurelio Mattucci. I am a candidate for Torrance City Council. Running for office has been a long time dream of mine. I have never been more motivated in achieving this endeavor. I feel that in order to truly make positive changes in our city one must make them as a whole, work together and get involved at all levels. These are challenging times for us, as a country and as a city, with the redevelopment funds gone, we are facing the same fate as many other municipalities , loss of businesses that directly translate to less revenue for our city, loss of local jobs and more of our families losing their homes. Less revenue for the city means the potential loss of many programs, services and activities that have shaped Torrance throughout the years. It's not a matter of Right or Left, it's a matter of Right or Wrong. I will do what is Right for the people of Torrance. I will listen to your concerns and suggestions. I will be truly a public servant, serving the people of Torrance and the many businesses that help support and mantain this wonderful city that I am proud to say is my home. See me at www.facebook.com/aureliomattucciforoffice

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