Sunday, April 13, 2014

Aurelio Mattucci for Torrance City Council Election 2014

Today I spent a beautiful day with the family. A good change from the daily grind. Campaigning has taken a lot from me. The most difficult is not having much time to spend with my wife and son. The good thing is that in the last two years I have met some of the most amazing people on earth. I am amazed as to how dedicated many of my supporters are towards a victory. I am thankful I have a very supportive wife, a son that jumps on me and smothers me with love no matter how long I was gone, and a solid base of supporters that I consider my friends. As I mentioned on a radio show just a couple days ago, "Campaigning is an emotional roller coaster, the good thing is that I can always count on my wife to be there on ground level". I am moving forward full steam and I believe Torrance will continue to be a wonderful city for many generations to come.
As your council member I will continue to listen to your concerns and address them, I will work with my fellow council members and always look forward and find solutions, I will make sure I fully educate myself on the subject before voting on it, I will listen to both sides and make decisions based on the well being of the general public, I will represent the people of Torrance as a whole, I will stand strong as I believe the people that will elect me expect nothing less, I will not disappear the day after the election.
If given the opportunity, I would be honored to represent you as your next council member.
Aurelio Mattucci for Torrance City Council
Michael Griffiths
Aurelio Mattucci Torrance City Council Election 2014

Heidi Ashcraft
Aurelio Mattucci candidate for Torrance City Council Election 2014

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